How to travel on local buses in Agder

How to use the local buses in Agder? Here you will find answers to your questions .

New on the local buses?

Are you a visitor or have you recently moved to the Agder region? Perhaps you don't use public transport very often? Here you will find information about how to plan your journey and how to travel on the local buses in Agder. 


Guidelines for travelling on local buses

Should I board the bus at the front or the back? Can I buy a ticket on board the bus? Does the bus stop automatically at the stop I'm standing at? See if you can find the answer to your questions below.

Planning your journey

  • The AKT travel planner helps you find travel routes and times for public transport in Agder county. The travel planner is available on our web site or in a mobile version, also with English text. The travel planner is customized for all screen sizes, and can also be downloaded for free as an app (called “AKT Reise”) for iPhone and Android (Norwegian text only).
  • You can also download one of our timetables in PDF format (only in Norwegian). In some areas you collect timetables with several bus services, whereas in other areas you get a table for each route. Timetables are listed in relation to the individual day the service runs, for example Monday to Friday (mandag-fredag). In some tables you will find a daycode referring to any day of the week the bus runs: 1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday etc. DX67 means for example that the bus runs daily, except Saturday and Sunday.
  • A summary of our bus services is also available on some of our line maps. 
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  • Period tickets – for people who frequently travel by bus. Period tickets are available for different age categories and are valid throughout Agder. Period tickets are valid for an unrestricted number of trips over a period of 30 days within their validity area. 180-day tickets are also available as adult period tickets. All period tickets can be used by other people, but not on the same journey – and only as long as they are in the same age category. Always keep the receipt from the last update, in the event of any problems with the travelcard.  Period tickets can be updated in the webshop.
  • Single tickets – for people who occasionally travel by bus. The fare is determined by the number of zones in your journey (max. 6 zones). Note that pre-paid single tickets are cheaper than single tickets purchased using cash or a credit/debit card on board the bus. Buying a ticket in advance saves time and money – the bus gets to its destination quicker and it makes travel more reasonable! The AKT Billett app or pay-as-you-go credit on your travelcard gives you a 40% discount on single tickets throughout Agder. You can purchase single tickets the following ways:
    • AKT Billett- app – travel by bus with your mobile phone throughout Agder in the ticketapp AKT Billett
    • Pay-as-you-go credit on your travelcard - Pay-as-you-go-credit can be used instead of cash purchases on board. Pay-as-you-go credit is topped up on your travelcard. 
    • Cash purchases on board buses – buying a single ticket on board with cash or a credit/debit card is the most expensive alternative. Pre-paid single tickets are much cheaper than single tickets purchased using cash or a credit/debit card on board the bus. Advance payment with the AKT Billett app or pay-as-you-go credit on your travelcard gives you a 40% discount on single tickets for children, adults and seniors. 
    • Flexibillett (Flexiticket) for the Kristiansand area - the Flexiticket is intended for people who occasionally travel by bus in the Kristiansand area. The Flexiticket can be used by all age categories. 

Customer service centres

From the customer service centres in Kristiansand, Arendal and Lyngdal you can obtain a travel card (bus card) for the first time, or update your existing travel card. Payment with both cash or credit card is possible. The customer service centres also provide travel information for all bus lines in both the Agder counties, and distribute lost property from the bus companies running in the respective areas.

AKT webshop – for the whole of Agder
In AKT Nettbutikk (webshop) you can update your bus card with period tickets and pay-as-you-go credit. You can choose from which zones your period ticket should be valid – and you can top up pay-as-you-go credit on your travelcard. You pay via credit card (Visa/MasterCard).

At the bus stop

Bus stops

  • Use the designated bus stops. On most major stops you will find information and timetable for each busline serving that bus stop. On the larger stops you will also find line maps which shows a simplified overview of the bus services in the area. On selected bus stops, electronic boards will display departure times for the next buses. When it’s more than 10 minutes until departure, the time of departure will be shown. When it’s less than 10 minutes until departure, the board will show the number of remaining minutes.
  • Most buses do not stop automatically at the bus stop, but at a signal from you. When standing at the bus stop, stretch out your hand and give a clear signal to the driver that you want to be with. Queue in a normal manner. 
  • Be visible when it is dark outside. Always use reflectors in the dark season, even when there are streetlights. 
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Enter via front door outside Kristiansand/Vennesla

  • Let disembarking passengers leave the bus before you enter the bus. In Kristiansand it is allowed to enter the bus via the back door, if you have a pre paid and valid ticket.
  • Please keep your bus card, money, credit card or mobile ticket ready before entering the bus. 
    • AKT Billett ticket-app: On buses outside Kristiansand/Vennesla, you must enter the bus via the front door and show the ticket's QR code/control to the bus driver when you board the bus. In Kristiansand/Vennesla you can still get on the bus via the back door. You therefore do not need to show activated tickets to the driver when you get on the bus. Always keep your ticket or bus card ready for inspection.
    • Travel card: In Kristiansand/Vennesla, you do not need to read the period ticket on the bus's card reader if the ticket is "active" (started up) in advance. Then you can also get on the bus via the back door. If you have bought a period ticket in the web shop or customer centre, you must "start" or activate the period ticket on the bus's card reader next to the driver. Outside of Kristiansand/Vennesla, you must both "start" or activate the ticket on the travel card and validate the ticket on the card reader next to the driver every time you get on the bus.
  •  When travelling with baby carriers or wheelchairs, please approach the bus driver first for payment and assistance. It is then common to enter the bus via the back door


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On board the bus

  • Please keep your bus card, money or credit card ready before entering the bus. Pay to the driver, or validate your bus card on the validator. Bus card must be validated on each embarking outside Kristiansand/Vennesla. If you are travelling with a mobile ticket, the mobile ticket must be presented to the driver when boarding the bus (and the ticket inspector if necessary) outside Kristiansand/Vennesla. 
  • In Kristiansand/Vennesla you are allowed to enter the bus via frontdoor and backdoor, if you have a pre paid and valid ticket.
  • Always keep your ticket or bus card ready for inspection.


  • Seat belts are compulsory to wear when seat belts are available in the bus.
  • Baby strollers must always be attached to the security straps on board, or held safely.
  • Be considerate to your fellow passengers.
  • Rollerblades are not permitted to wear on board the bus.
  • Eating and drinking are not permitted when it is a nuisance to other travellers 
  • Smoking (also el-cigarettes) are not permitted on board the bus.
  • Consumption of alcohol is strictly forbidden on board the bus.
  • Don’t try to travel for free. Getting caught will cost you a lot more than a regular ticket. Periodic travelcards and singel tickets are categorised according to age. Always have your buscard or ticket ready for validation and inspection when taking the bus.
  • Press the stop button well before you approach your exit stop. On board most of the buses, display screens will provide information about the next bus stops on the bus line/route. The next stop will also be automatically read out loud over the internal speaker. Ask the driver if you are unsure of where to get off. 

Leave the bus preferably via the back door.  

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Bilde viser at setene er ment for mennesker, ikke bagasje - Klikk for stort bilde
Bilde som viser mat og drikke ikke er tillatt ombord - Klikk for stort bilde
bilde trykk på stoppknappen for å få bussen til å stanse på holdeplassen - Klikk for stort bilde
Klikk for stort bilde

Travelling with baby stroller

  • You can travel with baby strollers on local buses as long as space is available. Unfortunately it is not possible to predict whether there is space available to you and your baby on a specific departure. If there is no free space, you must wait for the next departure. The driver is responsible for your and the other passengers safety and therefore it is the driver who determines whether your stroller will fit or not.
  • When travelling with baby strollers or wheelchairs, please approach the bus driver first for payment and assistance. It is then common to enter the bus via the back door. Some buses have separate buttons on the outside, which you have to press to make the driver aware that you are travelling with baby stroller or wheelchair.
  • You can ask other passengers for help with boarding, if the driver is occupied with other passengers. When the vehicle has come on board, make sure it's safe and with the brakes on. In typical city buses there are allocated separate room for baby strollers and wheelchairs in the bus's middle section.
  • Secure the stroller. Baby strollers must under no circumstances be placed at the front door or in the aisle. Baby strollers must always be attached to the security straps on board, or held safely.
  • Remember that children under 6 years of age travel free, when accompanied by a paying adult. It is also free to bring a baby stroller on the bus.  
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Klikk for stort bilde

Travelling with bicycle

  • It is possible to bring your bike on local buses in Agder, as long as there is space. Bicycle occupy much space, and must be positioned so that it does not come in to conflict with other travelers. The bike must not be positioned where it blocks an aisle or exit door, or where other travelers can get in touch with oily parts of the bike.
  •  In Agder there is no charge for bikes 

Traveling with wheelchair

  • You can travel with wheelchair on local buses as long as space is available. Unfortunately it is not possible to predict whether there is space available on a specific departure.
  • Local buses: Wheelchair on local buses should not exceed 80 x 130 cm or a total weight up to 300 kg (wheelchair and user combined). 
  • Regional/express buses: The lift’s maximum load capacity of 300 kg precludes a total weight (chair + customer) exceeding this limit. The wheelchair size may not exceed a length of 110 cm (including footrest) and a width of 75 cm.
  • It is also free to bring a wheel chair on the bus.  
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