AKT travel planner and mobile appOur travel planner helps you find travel routes and times for public transport in Agder county. Sist endret 01.01.2025 23:46 Travel plannerThe travel planner is available on our web site. The travel planner is customized for all screen sizes, and can also be downloaded for free as an app (called “AKT Reise”) for iPhone and Android. The web and mobile versions of the travel planner (including the mobile app) give you up-to-date real time information for all the bus stops. This gives you a full overview of exactly when the bus will arrive at your bus stop.Download AKT ReiseNote! The app AKT Reise is only available in Norwegian language.Download AKT Reise on App Store Download AKT Reise on Google PlayTravel planner on web In the travel planner on web you can search for departures from a specific stop or do a travel search from and to different stops / addresses. You can also perform more advanced searches, where you can specify transition times, means of transport, etc. This can be found under the "Advanced" button.Travel planner = Search from and to a stop / address now or in timeDeparture times = List of the next departures from one specific stopTravel planner on webReal time information on web and mobile versions in AgderIn Agder, the web and mobile versions of the travel planner (including the app «AKT Reise») gives you up-to-date real time information for all the bus stops. This gives you a full overview of exactly when the buss will arrive at your bus stop. All travel schedules and travel information in real time will be marked YELLOW in the travel planner. Please note! The travel planner does not refresh automatically. You must therefore refresh the web page or your mobile regularly, to ensure that departure and arrival times and other information in real time is always current and "live".Traveling in other parts of Norway?Use the national travel planner provided by Entur